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APRIL 2015

Jesus College Planning Approval

We have won planning and listed building consent for the first phase of a significant development for Jesus College, Cambridge.

The West Court development includes the sensitive refurbishment and extension of a Grade II Listed building to provide research facilities, offices, social spaces and accommodation. A new café pavilion and basement bar extends the building’s north elevation and provides a prominent link to the rest of the College.

A 1970s building closes the courtyard to Jesus Lane and will be refaced, refurbished and converted to provide a lecture theatre with research facilities and two floors of academic accommodation. Linking the two existing buildings, a new entrance building houses conference facilities and serves the lecture theatre, research spaces and an exhibition room. It will provide access to future phases of the development including a new purpose-built auditorium, formal courtyard and nursery along with storage, archive and sports facilities.

The Master of Jesus College, Professor Ian White, said “We are excited by the opportunity the West Court development brings to take the facilities we can offer to students, alumni and the wider world to a new level of excellence.”



St Cross Ground Breaking

Building has started on our project for St. Cross College in Oxford. It will accommodate a library, seminar rooms and 53 post-graduate rooms just behind St. Giles. Soon after excavation started, we uncovered the shrouded remains of a woman buried in 1642 during the English Civil War.  Oxford Archaeologists dated her from the coins that had been placed on her eyes. After a pause to remove the remains, the builders have started foundations around the historic walls. Completion is expected by May 2016.

A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held on the site on 27th February.   Practical Completion of the building is anticipated in May 2016. You can follow progress on site by accessing the contractor’s webcam here (un:stcrosscollege; pw:oxford)